
Jendela KOSTRA

Selama ini KOSTRA menjadi ruang diskusi serta menampung kreativitas dan keterampilan sastra mahasiswa UNIROW terutama Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Selama masa pandemi mahasiswa tetap mengembangkan keterampilan pembacaan puisi. Kali ini KOSTRA mulai merambah sosial media Youtube  untuk mempublikasikan kreatifitas dan keterampilannya agar dapat dinikmati oleh publik.


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Dipost Oleh Super Administrator

No matter how exciting or significant a person's life is, a poorly written biography will make it seem like a snore. On the other hand, a good biographer can draw insight from an ordinary life-because they recognize that even the most exciting life is an ordinary life! After all, a biography isn't supposed to be a collection of facts assembled in chronological order; it's the biographer's interpretation of how that life was different and important.

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